Chelsea Fertility NYC Patient Testimonials, Reviews & Ratings
Family-building specialists | IVF, genetic testing, egg donation, and more

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Competitive financial packages, high-level clinical skill and customer service, for nearly a decade

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Patient Testimonials

The physicians and staff from Chelsea Fertility NYC are proud to share a few of the many patient testimonials we have received over the years. Every card, note, letter and review that is kindly sent from current and former patients is deeply appreciated and serves as a constant reminder of the life-long impact our dedication to building families has made possible. We invite you to read a sample of our patient testimonials below.

“Meeting Dr. Gindoff and the team at Chelsea Fertility changed my life in the most profound way. After a negative experience with another clinic in the city, I was scared away from the process for almost two years. I’m so thankful I worked up the nerve to try again. Dr. Gindoff and the entire team make you feel like you are their only patient - amazing for a busy practice. I truly felt like they were invested in our success and wellbeing. We were so incredibly blessed to conceive from our first IVF cycle- and in August of 2020 our beautiful daughter Remi was born. Thank you so much for being such a source of support, positivity, and encouragement during a challenging time and thank you for the gift of our amazing daughter! I hope to see you all again!”
— C.V
“Thank you to Dr. Hartog and the excellent team at Chelsea Fertility. Dr. Hartog always provided a sense of calm while answering questions I had. My journey started 11 yrs ago and during my struggle, never would have guess I’ll deliver a healthy beautiful baby boy during a pandemic. Baby Kaí was born April 23, 2019.”
— J.C.
“It is hard to find the words to sum up just how valuable Chelsea Fertility, specifically Dr. Hartog, has been in my life. After nearly four years of struggling to conceive, Chelsea Fertility gave me the greatest gift I've ever received: my daughter. Infertility is an inexplicably lonely challenge often faced in silence. I felt defeated even before my search for outside treatment began. Many doctors I interviewed laid out their services, barely looking at me or asking about my history. Many doctors gave vague answers when it came to costs or a timeline. Many doctors were invalidating and confusing and as a highly educated woman I was so frustrated and overwhelmed I nearly abandoned my pursuit altogether. I found Chelsea Fertility through a friend and after reading some reviews, I made an appointment and figured I'd give it one last shot. Upon arrival for our free consultation, a woman gave my husband and I a full rundown of the expenses in black and white; I never once had a surprise charge or wasn't prepared for a bill. When I met Dr. Hartog, she was jolly and acute. We discussed her partner's photography, the struggles of NYC transportation, museums... It was an uplifting discussion that gave me full confidence in Dr. Hartog not only as a doctor but as a person. She was direct and did not waste time with her words. She recommended IVF and while I was momentarily taken aback by what seemed like an aggressive step, I felt instant relief to hear my issues named and a resolution posed. In our thirty minute meeting, I felt I had found hope. I began my IVF journey with Chelsea Fertility three weeks later. I had ten million questions and probably called the nurses hotline twice a day for three months and not once did anyone make me feel invalid or dismissed. IVF was not easy on any level, from the physical changes to the emotional trials, but looking back I can say with full certainty that Chelsea Fertility made a very scary experience very achievable, at times even pleasant. I cannot imagine my story without them. Months later while switching providers during Covid, I called Chelsea Fertility for paperwork and not only did they help me but they remembered every detail of my chart, it was like calling an old friend. I never wanted to graduate from the personal boutique experience they foster! I am forever grateful to the entire staff at Chelsea Fertility. I would recommend them with all of my being for without them I would never have been able to become a mother nor would I ever have had the joyful experience of overcoming my own battle with infertility.”
— B.N.
“I can whole-heartedly recommend Dr. Hartog & the entire staff at Chelsea Fertility. We went through two rounds of IVF and my wife is now 16 weeks pregnant. After a long road of negative experiences at two other clinics, which seemed to consistently surprise us with additional fees, multiple rushed requests for notarized forms, and what began to seem like an almost willful withholding of information - Chelsea Fertility offered the opposite. Dr. Hartog is warm & patient, organized and thorough - her decades of experience are clear. Every time she sat down with us, she had all of our information on hand, and carefully reviewed all processes and possibilities. We never felt rushed, or disregarded. It's a small office, calm & clean, with friendly folks at the front desk - and that makes a difference. When we had questions, we could actually reach someone, and get a response. Additionally, other clinics had a kind of "not our problem" attitude towards helping us navigate our insurance, but Chelsea Fertility really made efficient work of helping us get things lined up. We left other clinics feeling taken advantage of, and run through the mill, we left Chelsea Fertility feeling cared for. They assured us, even as they sent us off to our OBGYN after our last appt, that they would still be available for any follow up questions throughout the process. Shout to Elaine, Natasha, & Veronica!”
— M.R.
“I just wanted to say thank you to Chelsea Fertility for making me and my husband’s dream come true. Today we have a beautiful baby boy thanks to God and Dr. Hartog. We were successful after our second round of IVF and so in love as we look into our miracle’s eyes. I wish everyone success and baby dust in the hard struggle that infertility can be. Thank you again Chelsea Fertility for making my dream a reality.”
— K.F.
“Our experience with Chelsea Fertility NYC was such a positive one! The entire team at Chelsea - from the administrative staff to the nurses to Dr. Gindoff and Dr. Hartog treated my wife and I with such care. They took time to listen to our concerns, offered top notch medical care and sincere words of encouragement, and ultimately led us through treatment that has now grown our family by a beautiful son. As a lesbian couple, we always felt comfortable, respected and affirmed by the practice (this is not always the case for LGBTQ couples). Dr. Gindoff is an excellent communicator. He always took the time to walk us through options and the details re: our course of treatment that helped us to maintain confidence in his expertise while trying to get pregnant. We highly recommend Chelsea Fertility NYC to anyone looking to grow their family with a practice that takes time to get to know their patients as people, and look forward to continuing to receive care under Dr. Gindoff as we continue to build our family!”
— A.R.

“My partner and I are an LGBTQ couple and we were very nervous about finding a fertility specialist that would treat us with understanding and respect during our trying to conceive process. The team at Chelsea Fertility was always warm, welcoming, and clearly knowledgeable about the unique issues LGBTQ couples face. Dr. Gindoff and Dr. Hartog and experts in their field and upon discussing certain issues or questions with them, I always felt reassured they were making the best decisions to help us reach our goal. They were always honest and pragmatic about what our options were along each step of the way. The nurses and support staff at Chelsea Fertility were also exceptional - during challenging moments and receiving upsetting news, the nurses offered comfort, perspective, wisdom and hope. I really felt grateful for the personalized care we received and the intimacy and reliability of a private practice, rather than a big anonymous clinic.

IVF was a very intimidating process to undertake. However the Chelsea Fertility team took the time to really help my partner and I understand, prepare, and be as comfortable as we could be. After our first embryo transfer, we received the joyous news we had so been hoping for - it worked! Our little embryo turned into our now 15-month-old-daughter, Rosalia. We hope to return to Chelsea Fertility later this year for our second embryo transfer.”

— M.F.
“Thank you for your warm touch, encouragement, and professional work! And for the best present we could possibly have.”
— S&K
“Our family can’t thank you enough – this Christmas is truly a blessing with our baby boy L due to be born next month. You have given us the miracle we’ve been waiting for and words cannot express the gratitude we feel toward each and every one of you in the office that made this pregnancy possible.”
— B&J
“I want to thank you for all your help with my Ashermans Syndrome. I was told I would never get pregnant again, but I have my second son because of you!”
— M&B
“Thank you so much for your wonderful expertise and excellent care over the last several months. It’s still hard to believe that I am pregnant after only one IVF cycle… I feel very lucky that Wendy referred me to such a successful and caring physicians as yourself. The entire team I worked with consistently proved to be experts in their respective roles. The process was so smooth and organized, it made IVF seem almost easy. I firmly believe that had it not been for such expertise that I would not be pregnant today.”
“You made a stressful process easy for me. Thank you for your wonderful care and advice.”
— C&D
“Although I am extremely tardy in sending this note, I want to thank you very much for your role in my son’s conception. He is a healthy and happy little guy (also very cute!), and is loved by all the family near and far. As a physician, I found you very knowledgeable, reassuring, reasonable and easy to get a hold of, which counts for a lot.”
“Thank you for making this our happiest holiday ever. L is truly a miracle!”
— L&D
“Dr. Hartog… I brag to everyone about these beautiful boys who are here because of you! We are thankful for the work you do every day!”
— L.P.
“I adored Dr. Gindoff. He was accessible, deferential and always returned my phone calls and entertained all of my questions, no matter how flaky. I have never had my questions about anything answered so thoroughly as by Dr. Gindoff.”
— P.K.
“Thank you for your warm touch, encouragement and professional work! And also for the best present we could possibly have!”
“I wanted to thank you for helping us make our dream come true! I think that it was a combination of your skills and determination in your “craft”, along with a top-notch staff that made it finally happen.”
— C&E
“Thank you so much for helping us achieve our dream. We could of never done it without you. You will always be in our thoughts.”
— V&M
“Dr. Hartog… I hope you realize what a difference you make in your profession. We are so happy with our perfect little girl and look forward to having a couple more children. Who knows – maybe I’ll be lucky enough to have multiples next time.”
“No words could ever adequately express my gratitude to you since the very first time Ted and I met with you in your office… Ted and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have been a remarkably caring, accessible and supportive physician. You were never condescending and always respected our need to ask questions and discuss various options and procedures in detail – a rarity indeed!”
— K&T
“Dear Dr. Hartog and Team: We are so grateful we found you and had this amazing opportunity of a lifetime. You have made our dreams come true. Thank you so much for an incredible experience. Everyone was so helpful and professional.”
— J, J and Little L
“I want to thank you for your help and support as we have gone through the IVF process. It has been a difficult time, but your patience and expertise have made things so much easier.”
— J
“Dear Dr. Hartog, I just want to say “thank you”. You’re a special person. May you always know the kind of happiness you bring to others… knowing how much you cared has given me hope and happiness.”
— M.I.
“Words cannot express how thankful we are for our blessing. Thank you for your comforting way.”
— K.C.
“Dr. Gindoff, we will forever be grateful to you for your hand in this miracle. No matter where your life takes you, please always know that you have changed the course of our lives. You helped fulfill our greatest dream… thank you Dr. Gindoff from the bottom of our hearts.”
— R&J
“To everyone at Chelsea Fertility, We want to thank you a million times over for helping us get pregnant! Every time we came in we felt your support, from the second I’d open the front door you greeted me with warmth and sincerity. Dr. Gindoff, you made me feel at ease with sensitive and sometimes scary information, and you have a certain charm that is really comforting. Jocelyn – your mix of kind and firm was the perfect combination. You made me feel like I could do this! We are now at 16 weeks and looking good! Oh, and it’s a boy! We’ll never forget the part you played.”
— L&M
“To Dr. Gindoff and staff, We are truly grateful for all of the hard work, dedication and support that you have all given us throughout our journey.”
— D&F
“We want to share with you the joyous news that M.H. has arrived! M. was born Friday, 11/18/16, at 3:33pm weighing 7 lbs and 20 inches long, today he is 4 weeks old already! He is very healthy and we are happy to be home! We first came to your practice in November 2015, and now one year later we have a happy and very healthy baby! We want to thank you for all the excellent care, expertise, guidance and support you provided us with on our journey to becoming a family.”
— A & A
“You all rock! C. is here today because of you and we three thank you. If all goes well, we may see you around June to see about getting her a little sibling. Keep making folks smile!”
— D & H
“Dear Dr. Hartog and Chelsea Fertility staff, Thank you so much for this little miracle! We are very fortunate to have found your clinic during our struggle. B.P. was born at 38 weeks on 12/30/16. He’s a happy and healthy little boy and was defintely worth the wait. He’s the best thing that ever happened to us — thank you!”
— A & G
“With your help... We filled the nest. With great joy and anticipation, we announce that our sweet baby girl is due to arrive around May 26, 2017! Yay!”
— A & H
“Thank you for working with us and for the best gift we could possibly hope for!”
— M & M
“Dear Chelsea team, While we may not be “there yet”, your warmth, professionalism and humor has meant the world to us. All of our thoughts and bear hugs. P.S. There’s always a place to stay in New Zealand if any of you should visit!”
— A & I
“Thank you for helping us bring P. into this world. He is a pure joy! Born 2/22/17, 9lb 7oz and 21.5 in. He was a bit bigger than we expected as I only gained 27 lbs. I hope all is well!”
— R.G.
“Dr. Hartog, Elaine, Christina, Iryna, Embryologist, Natasha & the rest of the team! Thank you so much for making this experience bearable! When we couldn’t get pregnant the old fashioned way, I waited to long to do IVF because I dreaded the thought of the NYC Fertility Factory! Your office is FAR from that, and no matter what happens in our parenting journey, I thank all of you for making our IVF experience one filled with hope, dignity and individualized attention.”
— M & A
“The wonderful and amazing team of Chelsea Fertility has brought us to a new journey in life. Our son Charlie has been a miracle and a belief that anything is possible, especially if Chelsea Fertility is apart of your life.We cannot express enough gratitude and loving care we received during our journey. Charlie will always have a family at CF.”
— TM & C
“First of all, my husband and I would like to thank you for the wonderful care you all provided us during our journey to conceive. We finally welcomed our little girl I. into the world on March 23, 2017. She was a healthy 7 pounds 10 ounces and 21 inches. She is a such a joy to have in our lives. We are forever grateful with you all for making our dream a reality.”
— E
“In October of 2016, we began our journey in trying to become parents through IVF. From the moment we stepped into your office, we knew we had made the right decision. I was finally heard. Your team was able to deliver compassion and understanding care, helping to ease my worry and anxiety along the way. Dr. Gindoff’s professionalism and integrity, along with his bed side manner, made me feel like I was in the most capable hands and that he genuinely cared for us as people and soon to be parents. I can’t thank you guys enough for the life changing services you’ve provided. Everyone that I was able to meet on your team has made a positive and lasting impact on my life and I am forever grateful. Tuesday, October 24, 2017, we welcomed our little girl E. into the world. She is perfect in every way.”
— A