How You Can Benefit from an Infertility Support Group |
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Chelsea Fertility NYC Blog

How You Can Benefit from an Infertility Support Group

by Chelsea Fertility NYCPosted in InfertilityDecember 19th, 2016

Managing the stress that comes from fertility treatment, or even the infertility diagnosis itself, is important. For those facing infertility and family building through assisted reproductive technology (ART), your own feelings and emotions can take a back seat to focusing on how to build your family and have a baby.

This is perfectly understandable, as there are many decisions that you and your fertility specialist will need to make in the weeks and months ahead. However, this stress can pile up when pushed down or ignored. One way to cope with this stress is to attend an infertility support group.

What infertility support groups are like today

Support groups have evolved in recent years, taking advantage of modern technology to connect struggling couples and individuals to each other. There are many different types of groups, both in person and online, with many ways you and your partner can participate.

For those who prefer an in-person approach, infertility support groups meet regularly at set intervals. Many support groups allow their members to choose exactly when and how much they will discuss – you will not be pressured to share more information than you wish. In-person support groups can be for couples or individuals, and they can also be male-only or female-only. There are a lot of different routes you can pursue until you find a support group where you feel most comfortable and find relief.

Support groups are also held online, either through live chats or discussion boards and forums. Just like the in-person groups, they can also be based on relationship status or gender, and you are still free to share or withhold as much information as you choose.

Coping with stress from infertility is very much an individualistic approach. What works for one person or couple may not work for another. Some find solace in discussing their diagnosis and treatment plans at length, while others prefer to stick to the basics and observe or listen to others. It’s important to realize that even if one form of support group does not fit that there are other options available to you. We invite anyone interested in finding an infertility support group to visit Resolve, the National Infertility Association to learn more.