Dr. Gindoff Interviewed by NPR’s Diane Rehm About Infertility
Dr. Gindoff spoke with NPR’s Diane Rehm and guests on infertility related issues. We invite you to listen to the audio of his interview below.
Trials and Tribulations of Assisted Reproduction
“Getting pregnant isn’t always easy. For some it can take months or years. Some turn to assisted reproductive technology at a financial cost that can run to thousands of dollars, but the emotional costs can be even higher.”
Interview guests:
Dr. Paul Gindoff – Fertility specialist and co-founder of Chelsea Fertility of New York City
Belle Boggs – Author of “Mattaponi Queen” and the essay “The Art of Waiting,” published in the March/April issue of Orion
Barbara Collura – Executive director, RESOLVE – the National Infertility Association
Richard Allen – Lawyer and writer
Press play to listen to the interview: