Chelsea Fertility's Limited-Time IVF Holiday Sale 30% Off
For a limited time only, Chelsea Fertility is pleased to offer 30% off in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment at our NYC fertility clinic. Patients should note that in order to take advantage of this discount, your consultation must be performed before December 31, 2019.
Interested? Please call our office for details. You can call 212-685-2229 during normal business hours (we are open until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to schedule appointments).
IVF Facts and Helpful Information
- The physicians at Chelsea Fertility NYC each has over 25 years of experience in IVF treatment, with acclaimed success working with patients from all across the United States.
- IVF may be recommended when other treatments, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), have not been successful, or immediately as a first step in treatment. Such cases occur when there is severe male factor infertility or severe female factor infertility, such as advanced endometriosis, tubal obstruction, advanced age, or poor ovarian reserve.
- IVF involves fertilizing eggs in a laboratory and placing the fertilized egg that is now developed into an embryo in the uterus. IUI is simply placing sperm in the reproductive ducts (usually in the uterus rather than the vagina or cervix) with the hopes that the sperm will find and fertilize an egg.
- Our fertility doctors follow American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology guidelines. We will always provide a balanced and transparent assessment of prognosis, with options and alternatives.
- In terms of IVF cost, the range nationally is from $5,000 to $15,000. Chelsea Fertility NYC offers patients a variety of competitive packages and programs that are both affordable and cost-effective.
Don’t miss out! Affordable fertility treatment is a long-standing commitment of our fertility practice, and providing patients with a prospective 30% discount on IVF during the holiday season is just another way we strive to ensure that those who desire to build their families are able to do so.
To save 30% on IVF treatment, contact our office today to request your consultation by calling 212-685-2229. Our staff will be able to answer directly any questions you may have about the discount and treatment.