How to Have a Great First Trimester of Pregnancy
Having a great (healthy, happy) first trimester of pregnancy is all about planning and learning to listen to your body. Once you are comfortable with sharing the big news with family and friends, the question “How do you feel?” will become a major point of conversation, but it really should be something you keep in mind daily.

So, what can you expect during the first trimester? It’s important to remember that everyone is different, and just because your mother had one strong symptom and your best friend had another doesn’t mean that you will as well.
Common first-trimester pregnancy symptoms
- Nausea and/or vomiting (“morning sickness,” except it doesn’t necessarily occur only in the morning)
- Food aversion (odor/taste)
- Fatigue
- Frequent urination
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Tender/sore breasts
How can I feel happy and healthy during the first trimester?
- Talk to your obstetrician honestly: Some pregnancy symptoms can come and go relatively quickly, with minimal interruption to your routine. For some women, pregnancy symptoms will range from moderate to severe, making it difficult to maintain a normal schedule. In these cases, it’s very important to discuss these symptoms with your OB, who can determine whether an underlying issue is present and/or treatment to help relieve symptoms is applicable. Everyone really is different, so please don’t hesitate to contact your doctor because you feel as if you should just “deal with” or “get through” difficult symptoms.
- Listen to your body: We all have a gauge on when we’ve been pushed to our limit, but when you’re pregnant, the mental shift changes from “When do I rest?” to “Do I need to rest? If so, then I will rest.” Running on empty, as so many of us do, is not an option during pregnancy. Pregnant women need to be well rested, well fed (nutritious food whenever possible), and hydrated. Becoming attuned to your own needs instead of ignoring them will be a big priority.
- Ask questions and don’t hold back: It can be tempting to rely on the internet for answers to questions about pregnancy, especially for those who might have an additional level of anxiety post-successful fertility treatment. However, your doctors are your doctors for a reason, and they are happy to consult with you, especially if it will help relieve any stress or difficult symptoms.
You are invited to view a sampling of additional healthy pregnancy resources here.